Ibn Sina (Avicenna)

People (Philosophy)
Islamic Empire
Excerpts from Books and Wikipedia
"Avicenna (...) is regarded as one of the most significant physicians, astronomers, thinkers and writers of the Islamic Golden Age." [Wikipedia] "Central to his theme was the necessity of the existence of God. The only essential being was the being of God, supreme and transcendent. And from His all-encompassing will and knowledge emanated every other being, whose existence was possible but not essential. The office of the Prophet-Revelator was also needed to give direction to the affairs of men. . . . The part which the philosopher played was secondary to that of the Prophet." [Balyuzi: Muhammad and the Course of Islam, p. 314] "Michael Scot, who translated Avicenna's On Animals, absorbed the philosopher's views in the context of his own work as a physician. He freely adopted Avicenna's ideas on the sensory faculties, the distinction between perception and motion, and the difference between man's practical and contemplative intellects. . . . It also uncovered a world where man could understand and even use the laws of nature for his own benefit, a central characteristic that would come to define the new world of Western science." [Lyons: House of Wisdom, p. 177] The Canon of Medicine was completed in 1025. "Persian Avicenna set standard medical textbook through 18th century in Europe." [Wikipedia: Timeline of Middle Ages]