Excerpts from Books and Wikipedia
"A major cause of the rebellion was an agrarian crisis, in which famine forced many farmers and former military settlers in the north to seek employment in the south, where large landowners exploited the labour surplus to amass large fortunes. The situation was further aggravated by smaller floods along the lower course of the Yellow River. The peasants were further oppressed by high taxes . . . Because of its plan for a new beginning, the Taoist sect of Zhang Jue proved to be the Han dynasty's most dangerous enemy. In preparation for his revolt, Zhang Jue sent disciples out to gain support and organise followers throughout north China. Political discontent, as well as droughts and plagues, fuelled public resentment against the Han government. The rebels even had allies in the imperial court, and they were able to make their preparations while government officials were either ignorant of their intentions or intimidated by their power." [Wikipedia]