"The Barchester Chronicles is a 1982 British television serial produced by the BBC. It is an adaptation of Anthony Trollope's first two Barchester novels, The Warden and Barchester Towers, and was directed by David Giles. It was largely filmed in and around Peterborough Cathedral, using locations such as the Deanery and Laurel Court." [Wikipedia] "The darker side of small-town life is revealed in this Masterpiece Theatre miniseries adapted from two Anthony Trollope novels. When church reform is threatened in Barchester, a clergyman (Donald Pleasence) faces a crisis of religious proportions. He butts heads with his archdeacon son-in-law (Nigel Hawthorne), and an all-out power struggle ensues with the arrival of a new bishop (Clive Swift), his pushy wife (Geraldine McEwan) and a devious chaplain (Alan Rickman)." [Netflix]
Interesting and funny characters in small-town Victorian England--excellent writing and acting; What was the role of the clergy, good and bad, during this time?