"The Death of Stalin is a 2017 political satire black comedy film written and directed by Armando Iannucci and co-written by Fabien Nury, David Schneider, Ian Martin and Peter Fellows. A British-French-Belgian co-production, the film stars an ensemble cast that includes Steve Buscemi, Simon Russell Beale, Paddy Considine, Rupert Friend, Jason Isaacs, Michael Palin, Andrea Riseborough, Paul Whitehouse, and Jeffrey Tambor. Based on the 2010 and 2012 French graphic novel La Mort de Staline, the film depicts the power struggle following the death of Soviet leader Joseph Stalin in 1953." [Wikipedia] "After Beria's execution in 1953, the Central Committee took control of the Soviet Union. In 1956 Khrushchev moved to demote other members of the party including Molotov and Malenkov. At long last, he became Head of the Soviet Government and Commander in Chief until his removal in 1964 by Leonid Brezhnev." [Closing screen text]