"The Lost City of Z is a 2016 American biographical adventure drama film written and directed by James Gray, based on the 2009 book of the same name by David Grann. It portrays real events surrounding the British explorer Percy Fawcett, who was sent to Brazil and made several attempts to find a supposed ancient lost city in the Amazon." [Wikipedia] "Fawcett's belief in a lost civilization met with ridicule for almost a hundred years. But early in the 21st century, archaeologist uncovered an astonishing network of ancient roads, bridges, and agricultural settlements throughout the Amazon jungle. Among these sites was Fawcett's proposed location for the city of Z." [Text from closing screen] "A true-life drama, centering on British explorer Major Percival Fawcett, who disappeared whilst searching for a mysterious city in the Amazon in the 1920s." [IMDb]