"An Ordinary Man is a 2017 American drama thriller film written, directed and produced by Brad Silberling. It stars Ben Kingsley, Hera Hilmar and Peter Serafinowicz. Filmed in Belgrade, Serbia in 2015, it was screened at the Bari International Film Festival in April 2017, later picked up by Saban Films in February 2018, who released it direct-to-video in June 2018. . . . The character of the General is based on Ratko Mladic, who was ultimately sentenced to life in prison for war crimes committed in the Bosnian war." [Wikipedia] "A war criminal in hiding forms a relationship with his only connection to the outside world, his maid." [IMDb] On screen at beginning about the breakup of Yugoslavia: "The fall of communism brings long suppressed ethnic, religious and regional rivalries exploding to life, splintering a once unified people."