"The heroic story of Ertugrul Ghazi, the father of Osman (Uthman) who founded the Ottoman Empire." [IMDb] "The series is written and produced by Mehmet Bozdag and directed by Metin Günay. The theme music is by Alpay Göktekin. Broadcasting began in December, 2014 on TRT 1 (Turkey). Bozdag stated:
An artist's task is to reconstruct history. The history changes with the opinion of the author. And for one thing, there is very little information about the period we are presenting - not exceeding 4-5 pages. Even the names are different in every source. The first works written about the establishment of the Ottoman State were written about 100-150 years after its establishment. There is no certainty in this historical data. But history has a soul. We think that we describe the spirit of the 13th century in history. We are shaping a story by dreaming." [Wikipedia]
The 13th century among the tents of the Kayi tribe in Syria and later Anatolia; I love the heroism, the spirituality, the love stories, and the horses! I am amazed that Turkey has such accomplished actors, writers and directors!