"The film tells the story of Lieutenant Chris Burnett, an American naval flight officer who is shot down over Bosnia and uncovers genocide during the Bosnian War. Meanwhile, his commanding officer is struggling to gain approval to launch a combat search and rescue mission to save Burnett. The plot is loosely based on the 1995 Mrkonjic Grad incident that occurred during the war. . . . The film bears some resemblance to the experiences of former U.S. Air Force Captain Scott O'Grady, who was shot down over Bosnia on June 2, 1995. He managed to survive for six days before being rescued by U.S. Marines. He filed suit against the film's producers for defamation of character (the film's pilot "disobeys orders and swears"), as well as making a film about his ordeal without his permission." [Wikipedia]
Bosnia after cease fire agreement; Scott O'Grady was shot down June 2, 1995; According to text at the end of the movie, Miroslav Lokar was convicted of war crimes because of film evidence brought home by Burnett;