"Gravity is a 2013 British-American science fiction film co-written, co-edited, produced and directed by Alfonso Cuarón. It stars Sandra Bullock and George Clooney as astronauts who are stranded in space after the mid-orbit destruction of their space shuttle, and their subsequent attempt to return to Earth." [Wikipedia]
After the accident at the space station orbiting around our planet, the male astronaut (Matt) sacrifices his life so that the female astronaut (Dr. Stone) can have a chance to get back to earth. When Dr. Stone has given up hope of surviving, she has a vision of Matt returning to her space module and giving her the key piece of information she needs to reach the Chinese space station, her only way back home. After having the vision, she has renewed faith in the reality of prayer and that Matt and her daughter, who died a few years earlier in an accident, are alive in the next world.