"Over the course of nine hours, this sumptuous PBS documentary from 1984 chronicles the history of the Jewish people from biblical times through the 20th century. This is not, however, a documentary solely about Judaism; it is instead an in-depth look at the history of Jewish interaction with the world at large, a look at how Jews have shaped communities around them and how the communities around them have shaped the Jews. Host Abba Eban, who has served as foreign minister of Israel and Israeli ambassador to the U.N., is authoritative and knowledgeable in his explications. Using paintings, artifacts, modern cinematography of ancient sites, readings, and theatrical music, Eban brings drama and tension to events long past. The spanning of five millennia necessitates at times briefer detail than a viewer may like, yet it also provides a sampling of history that may provoke the viewer into seeking more information. This marvelous set should be experienced by anyone who desires a greater understanding of the Western world and the role of the Jews in shaping it." []