Excerpts from Books and Wikipedia
“'The passions and appetites are parts of human nature,' the self-aware Adams observed, 'as well as reason and the moral sense.' Adams had been studying Smith’s Theory of Moral Sentiments, and Smith’s ideas about the relation between self-love and the desire for approbation were reshaping Adams’s sensibility in ways that became even more apparent in his later Discourses on Davila. 'Although reason ought always to govern individuals, it certainly never did since the Fall, and never will till the Millennium.'” [Toward Democracy, Kindle Location 9110]
"Adams observed in his 'Reply to the Massachusetts Militia' on October 11, 1789, 'Our constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.'" [Toward Democracy, Kindle Location 12871]