Excerpts from Books and Wikipedia
"For example, organizations like the Worldwatch Institute have recommended an array of reforms to halt the growing damage to the environment: cutting factory emissions by more efficient use of energy, filter systems, and extraction devices; investing in public transport, developing alternative fuels for automobiles, and taking other measures to reduce dependence upon petroleum; husbanding water resources and cutting reliance upon aquifers; boosting international technology transfers and training to countries in the developing world; and negotiating a pact between rich and poor countries, whereby the latter would protect their forests in return for increased aid, assistance in creating alternative employment, and guaranteed access to markets. Some of the proposals from the environmentalist lobby may be impractical, but others appear perfectly feasible, and cheap; with the “appropriate technology” of a simple solar oven, for example, families in the developing world can cook most meals without the daily scavenging of fuel wood which causes so much deforestation." [Kennedy: Preparing for 21st Century, Kindle, Location 6102]