Events - Browse By Major Periods - Era of First Major Religions (-1500 to -1)

Religion, Global
Government, Egypt
War, Middle East
Government, Egypt
Government, Mesopotamia
War, Greece
Religion, Egypt
Government, Egypt
Religion, Egypt
War, Middle East
War, Greece
Religion, Egypt
War, Israel
Religion, Global
War, Mesopotamia
War, Middle East
War, Mesopotamia
Religion, Israel
Peace, Israel
Geography, Middle East
Peace, Greece
Government, China
Government, Mesopotamia
Religion, Israel
Government, Mesopotamia
War, Mesopotamia
War, Mesopotamia
Invention, Greece
War, Greece
Government, Mesopotamia
Government, Mesopotamia
Religion, Middle East
Geography, Global
Religion, Israel
Government, Greece
Religion, Israel
Religion, India
Government, Greece
Religion, Israel
War, Mesopotamia
Government, Greece
Government, Roman Republic
Government, Greece
Religion, China
Government, Roman Republic
War, Greece
War, Greece
Government, Iran
War, Greece
Government, Greece
Arts, Greece
Government, Greece
Disaster, Greece
War, Israel
Government, Greece
Government, Greece
Government, Roman Republic
Peace, Greece
Architecture, Greece
War, Greece
Disaster, Greece
Government, Greece
War, Greece
Architecture, Greece
War, Greece
War, Greece
War, Greece
Religion, Greece
War, Roman Republic
War, Roman Republic
Philosophy, Greece
Government, Greece
Government, Roman Republic
War, Greece
War, Greece
Education, Greece
War, Greece
War, Middle East
War, Middle East
War, Middle East
War, Middle East
War, India
Mathematics, Greece
Government, Middle East
Architecture, Roman Republic
Government, Middle East
Arts, Greece
Peace, India
War, China
Science, Italy
War, China
War, Roman Republic
War, Roman Republic
War, Italy
War, China
War, China
War, Roman Republic
War, Greece
War, Roman Republic
War, Roman Republic
Government, Roman Republic
War, Roman Republic
War, Roman Republic
Government, Roman Republic
Geography, China
War, Roman Republic
Government, Roman Republic
Government, Roman Republic
War, Roman Republic
Government, Roman Republic
Government, Roman Republic
War, Roman Republic
War, Roman Republic
Government, Korea
War, Roman Republic
War, Roman Republic
War, Roman Republic
War, Roman Republic
War, Roman Republic
Government, Roman Republic
Government, Roman Republic
Government, Roman Republic
Government, Roman Republic
Government, Roman Republic
War, Roman Republic
Government, Roman Republic
War, Roman Republic
War, Roman Republic
War, Roman Empire
Geography, Roman Empire