"But despite these ties, it still takes a major effort of historical imagination to enter the minds of those who were willing to suffer martyrdom or martyr others for what we would regard as minor doctrinal differences.
This course is designed to take you inside the minds of those who supported the Reformation and those who resisted it. It treats the three broad religious traditions that endured or arose during these years:
Roman Catholicism, both as it existed on the cusp of the Reformation and as it changed to meet the Protestant challenge.
Protestantism, meaning the forms approved by political authorities, such as Lutheranism, Calvinism, and Anglicanism.
"Radical" Protestantism, meaning the forms often at odds with political authorities, such as Anabaptism.
The goal is to understand historically the theological and devotional aspects of each of these three broad traditions on its own terms and to grasp the overall ramifications of religious conflict for the subsequent course of modern Western history." [The Great Courses]